2019-03-15 08:37:06来週3月22日(土) &23日(日)にシンガポールのお蕎麦やさんHealthy Soba IKIさんにてこころキッチン主催和食&発酵ワークショップを開催させていただきます。
Enjoy Japanese Food Culture! Washoku &Fermentation Workshop
As people are starting to explore the world, more and more are curious to know more about “Washoku”. And do you know the Japanese fermented ingredients and food (miso,Shoyu and sake) are Washoku’s big keypoint?
This time, “Kokorokitchen” that is very popular cooking school in Japan will have workshop of “Japanese Fermention Food”in Healthy Soba IKI.
You will be surprised the power of Japanese fermented culture and that of excellent health efficiency. And also you will enjoy special Sake and Soba matching and tasting.
Please come and enjoy the workshop with your friends, and family!
** Please note that this workshop will only take place if there is a minimum of 6 participants **
⚫︎Time and date;
22th March (Fri) 6:00pm to 8:30pm
23rd March (Sat) 11:00am to 1:00pm
Healthy Soba IKI
1Raffles Place #04-47 One Raffles Place Singapore 048616
☎︎: 6438 6022
⚫︎Participation fee: $60.00 / Pax
1 Introduction
2 About Japanese fermentation culture
3 Comparing tasting the various kinds of Miso, and Making Misoball (Takeaway is OK )
4 Making Onigiri
5 Tring Sake and Soba matching by KIKIZAKE-SHI(Sake master)
6 Enjoying meals and sweets
⚫︎Food Menu;
・Healthy Soba ( IKI Soba )Special Soba
・3kinds of Special traditional Sake from Japan
・Homemade Onigiri
・Miso soup
・Amazake sweets
You can buy Dashi pack, Japanese rice, Miso that are limited sales.
⚫︎Application info. & inquiry;
e-mail: ? healthysobaiki@yahoo.co.jp
Person in charge: Yusuke (Mr.)
※ Please add the participation date to the above email address and let us know by Mar.20,2019
※ Application deadline: Mar.20, 2019
※ Depending on the situation, the plan might be changed.
※Please note that if the participants less than the capacity will be skipped. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
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